United Way of Henry County and Martinsville's primary goal is to break the cycle of poverty. While many of our initiatives focus on early childhood development and intervention, we also support efforts for working families to improve their financial health. This is often referred to as the two-generational approach to combat poverty. Each year, our campaign funds support numerous partner agencies and programs to help us combat poverty. We also raise alternative resources from grant funds to help us offer services for individuals to use, such as:
- Volunteer Income Assistance (VITA) Program, free income tax preparation assistance to eligible individuals and families
- Money Management Mentoring Program, practical ways to help individuals save and invest their money
- Financial Wellness at Work, a workplace program to help our workforce attain the confidence needed to invest their money and make informed financial decisions
- Dollar and Sense Reality Fair, an annual event that exposes high school seniors to the costs associated with real life.
These alternative funds help us to advance our Community Investment Funding Priorities in financial stability.
For a complete list of our Community Investment Funding Priorities, click here.